
1. 3 Names in your inbox cellphone
* cik teddy *
* ayah & mama*
* my friend *

2. Your main ringtone?
* sha la la * ngee~ ~

3. What U did at 12 last night?
* nonton harry potter * waaaaa

4. Who was the last person U went out with? Where?

* member laaa * pergi kelas MATH & BI...

5. The color of T-shirt you're wearing now?

* t-shirt free * kaler putih + trak wane coklate (colerfull)

6. The last thing you did?
tido sebelom kelam kabut ingat kan test besokk..wakakak

7. 3 of your everyday favourite items?
* tido *

* masej cik teddy *
* makan* -> sbb tuh sihat

8. The color of your bedroom
* putih + mashimaro + teddy *

9. How much money in your wallet now?
* ader laa smapai dapat duit laen (malu nak cakap) *

10. Your favourite song?
* skng lagu disaat aku mencintai mu = dadali *

11. What will you do next wekend?
* ikot cekmet pg ts & member *

12. When was the last time U saw Ur Mum?
* sebelom mama pergi haji * windu mama

13. Where is she now?

14. When was the last time you talked to your parents? 
* ary sabtu yg lepas * mama kol..hahahah suker

15. Who is the last person that texted U?

* cik teddy * td sebelom dyer tido

16. Where did U have your dinner last night?  

* samer macam cekmet * -> coz kami samer bilik

17. The last suprise you got?
* dyer bali kan cik mashi..ahahha *

18. Last thing U borrowed from ur friends?

* pendrive *

19. Who is ur BF/GF or husband/wife
*cik teddy *

20. What do you feel now?

* ngantok *

21. Wanna share with who?

x paham laaa ?????

22. Who knows ur secret?

*bantal busok aku laa * (der ker)

23. They keep ur secret?
* wajib * nasib baek bantal busok xder mulot..giiihaaaaa

24. Are you angry with someone?

* no comment *

25. What do you order at McD?

* paling mahal coz cik teddy belanja *

26. The last time you felt so sad?
entry sebelom nieh..T_T

27. What is your wish for tomorrow?

* practical x jadi coz pc meletop * hahaha

28. Who will U tag next?



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